Wednesday, July 12, 2006

It's a cunt and it hasn't even started yet.

I've been told to bring hiking boots to rehab. 'Nuf said.
Fucking fuck wank
suck my fat one you cunts!

Unsurprisinly I hate walking aimlessly and I hate it even more when it's up-hill and I hate it more when there isn't a party at the other end, and I hate it even more if it's cold and wet and shit, and -I see tantrums, big ones.

This is not a good start. Not good at all.

I'm just hanging on to my old life as if it were a dead parent, pumping it with drugs to make it live again. Everybody knows it's no use but the electrodes spark and whisper success,.

Today the rum is sweeter, rawer, heavy with ethanol and sedatives for a hungry, parched thoughtless mind. Giving in was like child's play and the gratitude flowed.

I'm not going to minch my words, beat around the bush, procrastinate in any shape, way or form.

You want to know the truth? The ordinary, frogspawn, hillbilly, poisonous truth?

The way this story ends, there ain't nobody getting out alive.


Blogger Sherry said...

I’m sensing bitterness … (being sarcastic by the way, but you knew that). So, hiking boots huh (and you don’t like to recreation-walk).
You know that it’s just all part of the detox that you have to go through – the cleansing sweat and diverting your energy to a different place yada, yada, yada … It’s going to be both physical and mental.

This journey is to rediscover you.

Merlin, you’ve got to say ‘Fuck It!’ and then just embrace it.

You know that all of us (your blog buddies) applaud you and wish you well and want you in a healthy state – both body and mind.


9:36 PM  
Blogger Merlin said...

I'm so happy you're there SDC. I can just sense it when someone is genuine. you're not simply trying to get more hits on your site- you really care, and that means a lot to someone like me.
peace out, and thanks

5:20 PM  

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